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4 Tips for Preventing Holiday Weight Gain
4 Tips for Preventing Holiday Weight Gain
November 27, 2018    POSTED IN  Eating BehaviorHealthy Eating

The holiday season is one of the most wonderful times of the year, but it’s also when I get the most complaints about packing on the pounds—and with good reason. An entire season dedicated to parties, piles of food and bottomless booze is sure to cause some distractions when it comes to your health. However, celebrations and weight gain don’t have to go hand in hand. Here are four tips for preventing holiday weight gain this season:

1. Be Active and Stay Active

This one is simple but effective. Not only for your physical health but also mental. Most people simply feel better when they are active. When you feel better, you are less likely to overeat and more likely to make smarter food choices. It is a win/win overall. I suggest trying to fit in a quick workout before holiday festivities begin. It is also a good idea to be active during the day. So, invite your family or friends to walk around the neighborhood before and after a meal. This way you get to spend some quality time talking and walking, not just perched in front of the tv or dining table.

2. Avoid Getting Too Hungry

Keeping your hunger at bay is another great strategy for preventing holiday weight gain. If you think by skipping meals you are saving calories, you’re misinformed. You are much more likely to make poor eating decisions when you’re hungry. Just think, the last thing you are going to grab when starving is something healthy like a salad or vegetables. Enjoy your regular meals along with nutritious snacks prior to the big feast or holiday party. Avoiding hunger will keep your energy up and temptations at bay.

3. Eat Slowly

Slowing down when you eat is also a great strategy for preventing extra pounds. It takes roughly 20 minutes for our stomach to inform our brain that we are full. Studies have found that eating slowly helps to maximize satiety and reduce the amount of food consumed during a meal. Whether sitting around the table on Thanksgiving or socializing at a holiday party, try to leisurely eat your food. This can be hard for some people, especially if they’re accustomed to eating fast because they’ve done it most their life. If this sounds like you, focus on completely chewing each bite of food until it reaches applesauce consistency, and taking deep breaths between bites. The extra focus will pay off over time as the slower you eat, the less you will eat.

4. Make Half of Your Plate Veggies

Loading up on vegetables is one of the best strategies for avoiding unwanted weight gain. Vegetables are full of fiber, packed with nutrients and low in calories. Filling half your plate with veggies is always a smart move. However, with the endless meals, treats and indulgences around every corner at the holidays, it’s essential for preventing weight gain. If you only take away one strategy from this blog post—this should be the one!


Renee Clerkin

Renee is a Registered Dietician and Nutritionist.