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How to Fix Your Gut Problems
How to Fix Your Gut Problems
May 23, 2022    POSTED IN  Gut Health

I love working with people who have gut problems, because first off, I get it—I deal with gut issues myself so I understand how frustrating and debilitating they can be. Secondly, gut problems are often fixable! It’s so rewarding to see someone’s quality of life and symptoms improve dramatically over the course of a few weeks. 

People typically come to me at the end of their rope. They have tried everything under the sun and nothing has worked. They often feel helpless and hopeless on what to do next. Luckily, there are options. The biggest complaint my clients make is that they wish they would have fixed their gut problems sooner. 

However, fixing your gut issues isn’t always a straightforward solution. One of the toughest things about gut health is figuring out the problem first and then finding the right solution. It is common to try numerous approaches before landing on the right solution for you.  

So, I wanted to highlight some things not to do on your gut healing journey in hopes you will find your perfect solution quicker. 


The biggest complaint my clients make is that they wish they would have fixed their gut problems sooner. 

Instead of trying every supplement under the sun… opt for an individualized approach with supplements.

Each of your supplements should have a purpose that is specifically targeted for you and your situation. It is also really important to buy high-quality supplements. Just like food and skincare, quality matters. If you aren’t sure what supplements to take, I suggest reaching out to a functional dietitian (like me) that specializes in gut issues. They will help you figure out an individualized gut healing protocol that may or may not include supplements.


Instead of just living with your symptoms… opt for finding the right healthcare professional that can help you.

In my practice, I have found that the majority of the time you can fix and greatly improve your gut symptoms. But, it is important to find someone that is willing to dig deep to help you find the underlying cause and create an individualized plan for you. You should not have to suffer daily with your symptoms or feel like you have no end in sight. 


Instead of relying on over-the-counter medication to manage symptoms… opt for finding the root cause to find a long-term solution.

Prilosec and Miralax are two common over the counter medications that my clients use to manage their symptoms. Once we figure out why they are chronically constipated or have acid reflux, it is easier to fix the problem and toss the over-the-counter medications in the trash. 

If you are regularly relying on these products now, that is okay. There is definitely a time and place for them—just know there are other solutions available where you don’t need to rely heavily on medications or supplements for symptom relief. 


Instead of buying trendy gut health test… opt for proven tests with a reliable healthcare provider.

Just like any other category, there are some great gut health and food sensitivity tests on the market and then there are some bad ones. Make sure you are spending your time and money on quality. How do you know? It’s important to do these sorts of tests alongside a healthcare provider that can help you interpret the results and create an individualized treatment plan based on those results. Buying a trendy gut health test (that may or may not be reliable) and then getting the results won’t be super helpful unless you understand what is being tested and what action to take next. Teaming up with a good healthcare provider, such as a functional doctor or dietitian who specializes in gut health, is the best way to ensure a test like this one will help in your gut healing journey. 


Instead of ignoring your diet… opt for eating more whole, real foods.

A diet rich in whole foods is the best thing you can do for your gut health. It will naturally help lower inflammation, strengthen your immune system and support a flourishing microbiome. Check out this recent blog post to dig a little deeper into this topic. Essentially, what you eat and how your gut feels are very closely linked. If you want to change your gut health, it is essential to look at your diet. 


Instead of overly restricting your diet out of fear of triggering symptoms… opt for working with a healthcare professional that will help you treat your gut issues while expanding your diet.

One of the worst things you can do for your gut and microbiome is eat an extremely restricted diet. I realize a lot of people do this because they feel they have no other choice—they don’t know what to eat that won’t trigger their gut symptoms. However, if you’ve gotten into a situation where almost every food makes your symptoms worse, it’s time to work with a professional. The issue is probably deeper than the food itself. And, once you address the underlying issue, then the food shouldn’t be much of a problem! A varied diet equals a more diverse, healthier microbiome. 


Bottom Line: Dealing with gut issues is challenging. Finding the right solution to fix the problem is equally as challenging. But, it is possible and there are lots of people willing to help. If you don’t know where to start, reach out to a healthcare professional that specializes in gut health. We would be happy to point you in the right direction and get you on the path to healing.

Renee Clerkin

Renee is a Registered Dietician and Nutritionist.