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The #1 Thing You Can Do to Improve Your Digestion
The #1 Thing You Can Do to Improve Your Digestion
April 25, 2021    POSTED IN  Eating BehaviorGut HealthHealthy EatingNutrition Articles

Today I am going to share one super effective way to improve your overall digestion. I may even go as far as to say this is the number one thing you can do to improve your overall digestion. This is really important because when your digestion is working optimally, you feel better. You are also going to absorb more nutrients from your food. 

First, let’s discuss what is digestion.

Digestion is the process of breaking down the food you eat so the body can absorb nutrients from it. We eat, we digest, we absorb, and then we eliminate. 

When digestion is running smoothly, you feel energized after your meals and your body is able to absorb all the nutrients from the food you are eating. When digestion isn’t working well, you often feel sluggish after eating. You also tend to experience symptoms of poor digestion or indigestion, such as heartburn, bloating, stomach pain or gas. This is why digestive enzymes can be so helpful. They help your body break down your food so you are less likely to experience symptoms of poor digestion. 

What else can you do to improve digestion? 

Pay attention to how you are when you’re eating. Are you stressed or calm? Are you rushed or relaxed? Are you mindful or mindless? The emotional state you are in while eating can dictate if your digestive system is turned on or off. Let’s break a few of these down.


The emotional state you are in while eating can dictate if your digestive system is turned on or off.

Eating When Stressed 

When you’re stressed, your “flight or fight” mode is activated. This mode is designed to keep you alive. It is the mode that gets activated when you are in physical danger (running from a bear) or emotional danger (financial worries). Eating when you are in fight or flight mode means all of your energy, attention and blood diverts from your digestive tract. Digestive enzymes, stomach acid and bile get inhibited during this state, making it harder for your body to break down and digest your food. 

Eating When Calm 

When you’re calm, your “rest and digest” mode gets activated. This is the optimal mode for digestion since digestive enzymes, stomach acid and bile are secreted easily when you are relaxed. This makes it easier for your body to break down and digest your food. You will also absorb more nutrients and be less likely to have symptoms associated with poor digestion, like gas and bloating. 

So, how do you activate your rest and digest mode when eating? 

Life is stressful and it’s not always possible to eliminate every stressor from your day to day. However, you can — and should — pay attention to your stress levels while eating.

Here are some tips to activate your rest and digest mode when eating, even if you are under a lot of stress: 

1. Take Time to Eat Your Meals

This is a big one. And can be hard in our current climate. Try to devote a certain amount of time to just eating and nothing else. Eating while doing a million other things can be stressful. If you want to activate the rest and digest mode, you need to be willing to take a break for eating. 

2. Pause Before Eating 

Take a few deep breaths, say a prayer or even say a quick “thank you” before eating — anything that helps you set an intention. All these things will help switch your body into a rest and digest state. Play around with what feels right for you and try to make a habit of doing it before eating anything. 

3. Chew Your Food 

Digestion begins in the mouth. Well, actually, it begins in the brain. Taking the time to be present with your food before eating (Step 1) allows digestive juices to be released even before food enters your mouth. However, taking the time to fully chew your food further assists in this process. 

Chewing is a powerful way to help the body break down food. There are also digestive juices in your saliva that further help the body break down your food. Swallowing food that is already partially digested is a huge help to the body and your overall digestive system.

So, if you’re looking for a simple, free and smart way to improve your overall digestion that you can begin doing today — take the steps to activate rest and digest mode every time you eat.

Renee Clerkin

Renee is a Registered Dietician and Nutritionist.