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3 Reasons Why the Low FODMAP Diet Didn’t Work for You
3 Reasons Why the Low FODMAP Diet Didn’t Work for You
September 20, 2020    POSTED IN  Gut HealthLow FODMAP

You have stomach problems, so you went to the doctor. The doctor ran some tests (or maybe they didn’t) and told you that you have IBS. You were handed a sheet on the low FODMAP diet and sent on your way. You tried it on your own but had little to no success. And now? You still have stomach problems.

 OR maybe…

 You have stomach problems, so you started searching online for solutions. You read about the low FODMAP diet and thought it might help you. You decided to give it a go, but a few weeks in you were still having stomach problems. Plus, you’re not even sure you were doing it right.

Sound familiar? Either way, you took a shot at the low FODMAP diet and still have issues. So, was it the diet or something you did that lead to little improvement in your symptoms? I can’t say for sure, but I do know there are three major reasons why the low FODMAP diet fails. Here they are:

 1. You Don’t Have All the Facts

If you don’t have all the facts, you’re doomed to fail. The success of the diet depends on understanding it. The low FODMAP diet is a short-term, therapeutic diet. It is not meant to be followed indefinitely (especially if you aren’t seeing results). It is also not meant to overwhelm you or stress you out. If you find that you are on the diet for a long time (longer than 2-6 weeks) or don’t know where to begin, then reach out to a professional and get some guidance. Make sure you have all the facts to successfully prepare for and complete the diet. 

2. FODMAPs Were Hidden in Your Diet

FODMAPs can hide in tricky places, like sauces, dressings and seasonings. If you aren’t paying attention to every single little detail, it’s likely that FODMAPs were creeping into your diet. Take the time to investigate everything you are putting into your mouth. If you are confused about what is low or high FODMAP, or unsure of where to look for FODMAPs, then it’s time to ask for help. Because the reality is, elimination diets are hard. They are best done with the support of a professional who can answer all your questions and make sure you are set up for success. 

Elimination diets are hard. They are best done with the support of a professional who can answer all of your questions and make sure you are set up for success. 

3. You Jumped in Too Quickly

It’s hard to be successful if you don’t take the time to do the prep work. This diet requires planning and preparation. If you skip this step, you’ll be destined to fail.

I recommend that all of my clients wait at least 4-7 days before starting the diet. Ideally, you have a solid plan of meals, snacks, and a low FODMAP section in your kitchen before diving in. You are also very familiar with high and low FODMAP foods. It takes time to be fully prepared, so you can’t rush this step. 

If it sounds overwhelming or you would prefer a professional guide you through the process, please reach out — I would love to help you find relief for your stomach issues and start living symptom free.