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4 Ways to Boost Your Immunity Through Your Gut
4 Ways to Boost Your Immunity Through Your Gut
December 20, 2020    POSTED IN  Gut HealthNutrition Articles

It’s impossible to talk about immune health without also talking about gut health. You see, our immune system and gut are strongly linked. Roughly 70% of our immune system resides in our gut — that means if your gut is unhealthy, your immune system will likely be impaired. Furthermore, our gut is the main entryway into our body. A strong, healthy gut means your body is able to keep the bad guys (viruses, infections, etc) out, and allow the good guys (nutrients) in.

So, how do you support a healthy gut and in turn a healthy immune system? Here are four simple tips:

1. Prioritize Relaxation
Not only are our gut and immune system strongly linked, but so is our gut and our brain. This means that your mood impacts your gut and your gut impacts your mood. If you are stressed, anxious or overwhelmed, this will have a negative impact on your gut, and in, turn your immune system.

If you are relaxed (or can at least find periods of relaxation in your day), this will positively impact your gut and support a strong immune system.

In full transparency, I am a highly anxious person and have a really difficult time relaxing. I have to work at it. I have to actively schedule periods of rest and relaxation into my day. But, since taking this seriously, I have noticed a huge difference in how my gut functions and also my likelihood of getting sick. I tend to only get sick when I have too much on my plate. So, I know that the more I prioritize relaxation, the healthier I will stay.

Work on getting out of anxiousness (if only for brief periods throughout the day) and focus on rest and relaxation. Here are some things that help me:

  • Being in nature
  • Meditation
  • Breathing practices
  • Naps
  • Yoga
  • Journaling

Take some time to think about what works for you, and put it into practice.


Roughly 70% of our immune system resides in our gut — that means if your gut is unhealthy, your immune system will likely be impaired.

2. Eat a Wide Variety of Plant Foods
Plants contain fiber, which is essential for gut health. Fiber feeds the good bacteria in our intestinal tract and promotes proper elimination of toxins. These are two crucial components of a healthy digestive tract, and therefore, a strong immune system.

Furthermore, when the bacteria in your gut eats fiber, it produces a powerful compound called butyrate. Butyrate does a lot of beneficial things for the body — but one very important thing it does is help to keep your gut lining strong and healthy. A strong gut lining is essential for keeping any viruses or unwanted bacteria out of your body.

So, eat plants! A lot of them, in a wide variety. The greater diversity of plants you eat, the greater diversity of bacteria in your gut. This is one of the most powerful things you can do for a strong, healthy gut and immune system.

A good goal is to aim for for three or more cups of veggies per day, and 2 servings of fruit per day.

3. Eat Fermented Foods
Fermented foods such as sauerkraut and kimchi contain live bacteria. These live bacteria help to support all the bacteria that live in your gut (your gut microbiota), which in turn, enhance your immune function, improve digestion and increase your absorption of nutrients.

A healthy gut is a gut full of bacteria. The more diversity of bacteria, the better. Eating fermented foods (or taking a good-quality probiotic) is an easy way to add more beneficial bacteria to your gut. This will make your gut stronger and healthier, which in turn, will make your immune system stronger and healthier.

4. Limit Processed Foods
Plant foods and fermented foods help to support a healthy gut microbiome (bacteria in your gut) which is vital to the health of your immune system. But, there are other foods that negatively impact the health of your gut microbiome that then negatively impact the strength of your immune system.

Proceeds foods, such as fast foods, chips, and cookies, are hard to digest and negatively impact the balance of bacteria in your gut. This alone can lead to indigestion, bloating, gas and a weakened immune system.

It’s important to note that you don’t have to cut out processed foods altogether. But, be sure they aren’t serving as the majority of your diet. The majority of your diet should be whole, real foods (like plants!).

In conclusion, follow these four simple steps and your gut will thank you.

Renee Clerkin

Renee is a Registered Dietician and Nutritionist.